“Forging a Sustainable Future: Harnessing Bioinformatics and AI to Ensure Food Security and Species Rescue in the Face of a Changing Climate“
Climate change is expected to reduce fresh water availability, as well as cause an increase in extreme weather, average global temperatures, and maximum temperatures. This will have dramatic effects on food production and availability, as well as increase the spread of disease and global pandemics. This will only exacerbate current global issues, and disproportionately affect people belonging to historically marginalized groups.
My aim is to involve myself and other underrepresented minorities in research and science and fight for our inclusion in the scientific conversation.
Current Active Research
Plant Genomes: Comparative population genomics study using high resolution genomes and an analysis of the effects of large structural variants on phenotype
Avocado: Study of flowering evolution, Curation of genomic tools for improvements in breeding, Population structure, Domestication origins, Introgression, and Structural variant analysis on adaptive traits
AI: Improvements in artificial intelligent agents for classification and detection of various targets for disease, species rescue and plant breeding, as well as modeling for language rescue.
Machine Learning:
- Application of machine learning methods for haplotype phasing with limited genomic information
- Classification and inference using ultrasonography
- Classification, detection and automated trait measurement of crops and their physical traits
Software engineering:
- Application of optimization methods for improved visualization of genomic data and relationships
- Leveraging open source platforms for automation and data collection
- Malaria causing Plasmodia: Study of detection and expansion of infection due to climate change
- California muscles: Study of adaptive traits in a changing climate
- Leveraging machine learning techniques for endangered species rescue
- Computer vision for automated phenotyping and classification of objects related to food production & species rescue
Open to more collaborations in other cool systems!